
How to see who viewed your Instagram story after 24 hours

From a simple photo-sharing software, Instagram has developed into one of the most powerful social media networks. Among Millennials and Gen Z, the app has gone viral. Although the Instagram craze is mostly targeted toward younger generations, older generations have joined the bandwagon with just as much excitement. There is no better time to start utilizing it, if you haven’t already, than right now.


We’ll examine Instagram stories, which stand out among the many Instagram features, more so today. Our daily lives include Instagram stories more and more. It’s a welcome diversion from Instagram’s customarily polished posts.

They are essential to any business, influencer, or individual looking to improve their social media strategy. Stories seamlessly integrate with your regular stream, giving a little spice and excitement. Stay with Pinclubhouse.

How to see who viewed your Instagram story after 24 hours

How to see who viewed your Instagram story after 24 hours?

Stories are raw, unedited insights into your life that remain on your feed for a whole day. So, in addition to enjoying sharing stuff, don’t we also appreciate seeing how many users have read our stories? As well, the method is simple. We can see all the names by tapping the eyeball icon at the bottom of the story. Before reading more, look at the top 10 Instagram followers in the world.

But what if your tale lasts longer than 24 hours? Is it feasible to verify the viewers once the time limit has passed? So, if you’re looking for answers to comparable problems, we can help.

If you want to know how to watch your Instagram story beyond 24 hours, stick to the piece’s end.

Step 1- Open the Instagram app.

Who Viewed Your Instagram Story After 24 Hours

Step 2- Go to Profile page on mobile by tap on your profile icon

Who Viewed Your Instagram Story After 24 Hours

Step 3- Tap on the hamburger menu, the top-right of your Instagram account

hamburger menu

Step 4- Choose the Archive Option.

archive section

Step 5- Go to the “Stories Archive” section and next tap on the “Post Archives” option

storeis archive section

Step 6- Swipe up on Stories and see who sees your story after 24 hours.

swip up story

After 24 hours, is it possible to see who viewed your Instagram story?

Instagram stories have a 24-hour lifespan, as we’re all aware. We publish a tale, check to see who views it, and then it seemingly evaporates into thin air. Since Instagram stories became so popular, more users have asked for access to them outside the typical 24-hour window. Therefore, what was Instagram’s answer to that?

After 24 hours, is it possible to see who viewed your Instagram story

For starters, it did introduce us to Instagram’s archive and highlight features. In case they disappear from the feed, Instagram includes a location to save your stories elsewhere in the app. After a day, you can check to see who has seen your Instagram story. Also, click on the best unfollowers app for Instagram.

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Can Someone See That I Viewed Their Instagram Highlights?

Are you wondering if someone can see that you viewed their Instagram highlights after 24 hours? The answer is a definite yes!

Instagram highlights are a great way to showcase your best stories and keep your followers engaged. They’re also a great way for your followers to see the latest updates from you. But what happens when someone views your Instagram highlights? Can they see who viewed their highlights after 24 hours?

The short answer is yes, someone can see who viewed their Instagram highlights after 24 hours. The long answer is a bit more complicated, so let’s dive in.

When someone views an Instagram story, the person who posts the story will see who viewed it. This includes both regular Instagram stories and Instagram highlights. This means that if someone views your Instagram highlights, you’ll be able to see who viewed it after 24 hours.

The only exception is if the person who viewed your Instagram highlights has their profile set to private. If they have their profile set to private, then you won’t be able to see who viewed their highlights.

Aside from that, you’ll be able to see who viewed your Instagram highlights after 24 hours. This means that if you’re trying to keep track of who’s looking at your Instagram highlights, you can do so easily by seeing who viewed after 24 hours.

So, to answer your question, yes, someone can see who viewed their Instagram highlights after 24 hours. Of course, if their profile is set to private, then this won’t be possible. But otherwise, you’ll be able to see who viewed your highlights after 24 hours.

Who Can See Your Instagram Highlights?

First things first, let’s define Instagram Highlights. Highlights are Instagram stories that you save and organize into collections that can be accessed on your Instagram profile. That’s right, these are stories that you can save and keep up on your feed for all to see! And, by keeping them up on your profile, you can continue to get engagement for your Highlights long after your story disappears from the 24-hour cycle.

Now that we’ve defined what Instagram Highlights are, let’s move on to the question at hand- who can see your Highlights? The answer is simple: anyone who visits your profile can view your Highlights. That means that your friends, family, and followers can see the Highlights you have saved. It also means that those who stumble across your profile can get a glimpse into the content you have saved in your Highlights.

So, if you want to be sure that everyone who visits your profile can see your Highlights, be sure to make them public. That way, your Highlights will be visible to anyone who visits your profile.

Want to get more out of your Instagram Highlights? Pinclubhouse is here to help! We have a variety of tips and tricks to help you make the most of your Highlights. From ways to increase engagement to curating content for your Highlights, our team of Instagram experts can help you take your Highlights to the next level.

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Whether you’re just getting started or you’re looking for ways to level up your Instagram game, Pinclubhouse has the resources you need to make the most of your Instagram Highlights. Check out our blog today to learn more about how you can use your Highlights to engage with your followers and drive more traffic to your profile!

How to Check Instagram Story Views After 24 Hours

After 24 hours or when the Instagram story has vanished:

  1. Visit the Archive tab in Settings to find out who has seen your story.
  2. Choose the story for which you wish to get viewer data.
  3. Swipe up on the page to see a list of viewers of your article for the past 48 hours.

The number of views for the story is also included when you generate a Highlight from it. Any further views after making the Highlight increase the current view total for the following 48 hours. Also, read more about how to write an Instagram bio in bold.

Remember that this statistic only records one count per user account, so you cannot determine how many times somebody has visited your Highlights.

How to Check Instagram Story Views After 24 Hours

However, you must archive your stories before they disappear if you want this option to work. Your failure to do so would render this functionality useless. Also, take a look at getting followers on Instagram. We will walk you through the process if you are unfamiliar with it.

How to Make Instagram’s Story Archive Available

You know that Instagram has an archive feature that enables you to conceal your posts and stories. They are an excellent way to conceal your moments from the general public without completely erasing them. Also, we suggest you read the who see my Instagram story.

On the app, you get access to a private vault where you may check your stories anytime you want and do so privately. This tool can also find out who has seen your story after 24 hours.

All of your past Instagram stories are kept in this mysterious area. However, you must activate the Story archive option from Settings to use this feature.

Here’s how to do it:

Select Privacy from the hamburger menu’s settings option.

On the following page, scroll down to see the Story option under the Interactions section. Once you’ve located it, click on it.

To turn on the function, scroll down to the Saving category, select Save story to archive, and toggle it to the blue position.

Your tale will instantly begin being saved to your archive once you enable this function. Also, read losing followers on Instagram.

How to Check Instagram Highlights Viewers

To find out who saw the highlights of your Instagram story, visit the profile area.

To find out the number of views for a Highlight, tap on it.

On the “Seen by” button, click.

A list of the viewers of your story highlight is available here.

Additionally, you have the choice to conceal a highlight from a certain user.

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By altering the privacy settings, you can change this at any moment.

Can We Limit Who Views Our Instagram Highlight?

you can limit who views your Instagram Highlights. There are a few different ways to do this. You can use the private accounts feature, which allows you to control who can view your posts, stories, and highlights. You can also use the “Close Friends” list, which lets you select specific followers to view your content. And finally, you can also use the “Hide from Profile” option, which hides your highlights from all but those you’ve chosen.

If you’re looking to take control of who views your Instagram Highlights, here’s how you can do it:

1.Use the Private Accounts Feature

The private accounts feature allows you to control who can view your posts, stories, and highlights. Simply click the “Settings” button on your profile page, then click “Privacy” and then “Account Privacy” to adjust the settings. Here, you can choose to make your account private, which will limit who can view your content. You can also make your account public, which will allow everyone to view your content.

2.Use the “Close Friends” List

instagram hilight

Using the “Close Friends” list allows you to select specific followers to view your content. To do this, click the “Settings” button on your profile page, then click “Close Friends” and then “Add Close Friends.” Here, you can enter the usernames of up to 10 people you’d like to share your content with. This will limit who can view your Instagram Highlights.

3.Use the “Hide from Profile” Option

The “Hide from Profile” option allows you to hide your highlights from all but those you’ve chosen. To do this, click the “Settings” button on your profile page, then click “Hide from Profile” and then “Add Hide from Profile.” Here, you can enter the usernames of up to 10 people you’d like to hide your content from.

By using these features, you can easily limit who views your Instagram Highlights and take control of your content. So if you’re looking to limit who views your Instagram Highlights, don’t hesitate to use these features. They can help you keep your content private and ensure that only those you’ve chosen can view it.


We have a ton of knowledge on the Instagram Highlights feature at the end of this article. I’m hoping you can now use this feature with ease. Stay at home and be safe. Please share your comment with Pinclubhouse.


Can I see who viewed my story on Instagram after 24 hours?

Only you are able to look at who’s seen your story. You can look at who’s seen your story up to 48 hours after you post it.

How do you see who viewed your Instagram highlights after 48 hours 2022?

Your highlights are permanent until you delete them, but the view stats have limited time. Navigate to your profile on Instagram. Tap the icon of the Highlight you want information about. Tap on the Seen by a button in the bottom-left corner of the screen to see the list of people who saw your Highlight


jack Smith

I'm jack. I love to speak about social media and learn how to use this social media easy and fast.

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    1. to see who views your instagram story after 24 hours do bellow steps:
      1-Open the Instagram app and navigate to your profile page.
      2-Tap on your profile picture to open your Story.
      3-Swipe up on the screen to view the list of users who have viewed your Story.
      4-You can scroll through the list to see who has viewed your Story.

    2. hi, actually you can’t know it with Instagram but some tools can show to you such as:
      Hootsuite Insights,Iconosquare,Later and etc

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