
Best Time to Post on Instagram on Monday

The best times to post on Instagram in 2022 were determined by analyzing more than 30,000 Instagram posts from companies of all sizes.

What time of day should you post on Instagram to maximize visibility? How about the most liked day of the week? Has the most remarks?

To determine the, generally speaking, ideal Instagram posting hours, we crunched the numbers. We’ll also assist you in determining your brand’s particular optimal times to publish because, of course, all businesses & audiences are distinct. Stay with Pinclubhouse.

The Best Time to Post on Instagram on Monday, 2022

Each company’s sweet spot for Instagram posting varies just a little. This is valid because every social media company targets a unique demographic with unique behavior patterns. Don’t give up, though! Marketers on social media can use certain best practices to achieve fantastic outcomes.

Posting whenever your followers are online is essential because the Instagram algorithm gives preference to recency. In other words, assuming all else is equal, a current post will show up higher on the news than an older one.

When it comes to making a post more successful, recency is actually one of the fastest and simplest victories. (If you’re still curious, though, we have many more tips on getting free Instagram likes.)

Beyond that, it’s also crucial to be clear about your marketing objectives on Instagram. Do you have specific goals for increasing engagement, boosting traffic, or raising awareness? What does success look like, and have your postings previously experienced that success? Your previous victories serve as a crucial benchmark for when to submit your overall performance.

The ideal time to publish something on Instagram is to get likes, comments, and shares.

We examined information from more than 30,000 Posts on Instagram from companies of various sizes to arrive at these conclusions. After that, we talked to our social media team about the information we learned from posting to a 170k-follower audience.

Wednesdays at 11 AM are the most popular time to post on Instagram. We discovered that during midweek and working hours, Instagram users are most inclined to interact with the material. That makes sense; it’s the ideal opportunity to take a break from work or school & scroll. (And enjoying. adding comments.)

Weekends are the worst times to post because there is typically little interest. We hypothesize that this is because people spend more time offline than on Instagram. Do you plan to publish more frequently than once each week? Here is a list of the ideal Instagram posting hours on each day of the week.

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 (Oh, remember that the top times listed below are in US Pacific Time.)

Try publishing during these peak hours if you’re new to Instagram and don’t have much historical data or audience insights to work with.

As your account develops, we advise adjusting your posting frequency to match the behavior patterns of your target audience.

Monday’s prime time for Instagram posting

Monday at 12:00 PM is the ideal time to post on Instagram. Most Instagram users enjoy getting their work week off to a great start. By midday, they are seeking a break on Instagram.

Tuesday’s prime time for Instagram posting

Tuesday at 9:00 AM is the ideal time to post on Instagram. Engagement is also high between 8 and 10 in the morning, although it peaks at 9:00.

Wednesday’s prime time for Instagram posting

Wednesday at 11:00 AM is the ideal time to post on Instagram. Additionally, accounts appear to receive a total engagement on Wednesday.

Thursday’s prime time for Instagram posting

Thursday at 12:00 PM is the ideal time to upload to Instagram. The period from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM is ideal for maximum engagement on any workday.

Friday’s prime time for Instagram posting

The ideal time to post on Social media on Friday is 2:00 PM. From 7 AM to 2:00 PM on Friday, there is continuous interaction during the morning and lunch hours.

Saturday’s prime time for Instagram posting

The optimum time to post on Social media on Saturday is 9:00 AM. Before folks start thinking about their offline weekend plans, seize those eyes!

Sunday’s prime time for Instagram posting

On Sundays, 7:00 PM is the ideal time to post to Instagram. On Sundays, participation is rather constant throughout the afternoon and evening hours. It doesn’t change from 12:00 until 8:00.

When should I upload reels to Instagram?

Posting Reels every time of day is a no-brainer if you want to increase your Instagram following and engagement. According to our analytics, reels can receive up to 300% more engagement than typical Instagram videos.

We’ve discovered that posting Reels is most effective between 9 AM and 12 PM, Monday through Thursday.

How we discovered the ideal Instagram posting timings for our account

Here’s how we determine when to post on Instagram.

 (Spoiler alert: If you don’t feel like reading, check out our video for the solution and some helpful hints.)

Social Marketing & Employee Advocacy Strategist, Brayden Cohen, explained to us:

We prefer to update most frequently in the morning & mid-afternoon. For Instagram, this means that on weekdays, we strive to post anytime around 8 AM and 12 PM PST or between 4 PM and 5 PM PST.

Our Instagram posts perform best during the sitting-down-to-work or logging-off hours in the Eastern time zone and the early morning or lunchtime hours for Hootsuite’s North American B2B audience.

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 (Keep in mind, that’s just what functions for us. Significant industries’ prime times and time zones may vary significantly.)

It is simple to determine when Hootsuite’s Instagram followers are online by using the activity heatmap offered by Hootsuite Analytics:

Best Time to Post on Instagram on Monday

Cohen and the social team also use the tools in Hootsuite Impact to evaluate post-performance. The information explains whether we should stick with the current course of action or change anything.

Overall, according to Cohen, choosing an Instagram posting time goes somewhat like this:

We examine when the audience is online to get a second opinion and utilize past performance as our compass. We’ll try different times to see if that affects how well our material performs; if it doesn’t work after that.

Ultimately, your Instagram content calendar should be informed by data much like the rest of your marketing plan.

Here are some important Instagram data, benchmarks, & demographics to aid your planning because the broader picture also matters:

  • Businesses average one post per day on their feeds.
  • The average interaction rate for a post from a business profile is 0.96 percent.
  • Every day, people spend about 30 minutes on Instagram.
  • Every trip to the platform takes around 6 minutes and 35 seconds.
  • Forty-two percent of American users check Insta more than once every day, with 63 percent of users checking it daily.

Tips for choosing the best time to post on Instagram right now

Examine your most successful posts.

First, decide whether you want to increase brand exposure or user engagement. Depending on your objectives, you might take a different strategy for scheduling your Instagram posts.

Which of your blogs from the past received a lot of views? When were they posted? Are these posts distinct from those that receive likes? What do the statistics reveal about your most engaging content?

In this case, your finest source of information is your Instagram insights & statistics. However, not all analytical tools are created equal. You may avoid doing a lot of data crunching using social media marketing tools.

Best Time to Post on Instagram on Monday

Check the peak internet activity times for your audience.

Check your stats next to find out when your followers are scrolling through their feeds.

We must understand our audiences as marketers. On Instagram, college sports fans may use social media completely differently than IT execs who wake up at four in the morning.

Best Time to Post on Instagram on Monday

The Best Time to Publish function in Hootsuite will automatically generate a heatmap from this data (see above). Forecasting precise times when your Instagram followers will be online also aids your experimentation.

It will also recommend appropriate time slots you haven’t used in the last 30 days if you want to test fresh strategies.

Take into account when your competitors post

Your competitors may conduct some of the same calculations & experiments as you, depending on your industry. You may keep an eye on what’s working for others by engaging in social listening or a thorough social, competitive analysis.

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Pro tip: Around the hour mark, many brands publish. You can avoid the competition by publishing a few minutes before or after the hour.

Post in the time zone of your audience.

If your audience is international or you are located outside the “normal” time zones, your best time to post can end up being three in the morning. May we recommend that you automate your Instagram postings rather than setting some rather nasty alarms? Using a scheduler, you may ensure that your posts are published daily on Instagram at the appropriate time.

The steps for scheduling posts on Instagram using Hootsuite’s scheduling tool are summarized below:

  • tracking and adjusting
  • There is much more to successful Instagram post optimization than picking the appropriate filter.

But one of the simplest ways to expand your reach is to take some time to review the numbers. (At least, it’s simpler than improving your writing or cinematography abilities. However, we advise doing it as well.)

According to Hootsuite’s Instagram team member Brayden Cohen:

Every week, we review the most popular posts to see if any trends might be used to improve our strategy on social media or the publishing schedule. However, we typically only alter our posting times once a quarter.

Cohen pointed out that many people spent less time traveling to work or taking a customary lunch break in 2020 due to the pandemic’s impact on work schedules. As a result, B2B users started using their phones more frequently, and Instagram usage began to vary throughout the day.

As the world evolves, so make audience habits. Set a calendar reminder to check your results and make modifications regularly.

Over time, continually present yourself.

Your posting must be organized to benefit from this knowledge about your target audience fully. Yes, occasionally posting a few hours early than normal might not result in a startling increase. But over time, using the data regularly will make a difference.

Your audience will love and interact with your content once they become accustomed to seeing your brand appear on their feed. Keeping up with Instagram helps you develop credibility, trust, and deeper connections with your audience.

The Instagram algorithm sees when you have a genuine connection with your audience, which ultimately benefits your business. Please share your comment with the Pinclubhouse team.


What day is Instagram most active?

Most Regular Participation: Wednesday through Saturday (10 AM – 8 PM). Highest Engagement: Saturday nights, mid-morning on Wednesday and Friday (6 PM – 8 PM). Sunday is the worst day for engagement because there is little activity on Instagram on that day.

Is Monday the worst day to post on Instagram?

Saturdays and Sundays are considered the worst days to post on Instagram, especially at midnight and in the morning. From 1 AM until 5 AM, people are generally the least active. It depends on your target market and the times they use the site the most.

jack Smith

I'm jack. I love to speak about social media and learn how to use this social media easy and fast.

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